Good evening!
Since the website idea has not been working out too well for me I've decided to start a blog to keep everyone updated with what's happening at SLR! There's a dwendling few animals left for sale before winter really hits and some cute little tris in the box out of SLR's Buster and GC SLR's Moxie. Here's some for sale guys now.
This is an 8 month old black/orange harli brood buck that is available. He's $40 to a pet home or $50 to a brood home. I believe he has the correct genotype to produce correctly colored tris, ie no torting gene at all however haven't bred him yet to figure that one out!
SLR's Hazer, DOB Jan 28 2010 brokwn tort buck out of GC SLR's Tritan(currently number 6th Top Lop) and GC SLR's Moxie. $40 as a pet or $60 to a brood/show home.
SLR's Unnamed broken tort doe, DOB Jan 28 2010. Out of GC SLR's Tritan and GC SLR's Moxie. $40 to a pet home or $100 to a show/brood home. - I'm hanging on to this gal just a little while longer as her sister that I've held on to hasn't had a live litter yet so will see if I can get one out of her. This gal's sister is GC SLR's Bailey who granded in one show! Nice litter.
There will be some more posted soon but need to find my way around this site first!
Keep warm,