We're happy to announce the arrival of new babies here! Both litters are out of GC SLR's Tritan with one doe being GC SLR's Bailey and then other SLR's Hailey her full sister who was never shown. There looks to be four brokens and one solid between the two sisters but we'll post more info at a later date. SLR's Kaylee's two babies out of GC SLR's Tritan are doing very well and are now weaned from mom and doing some growing up.
We've also bred every doe that is able to be bred or not with a litter right now when I was at home in Feb. So they are due starting on the 21st of March and there should be about 15 litters coming - now that's a few little ones!! Look for photos and info closer to when the mom's are due. Until then enjoy the first day of spring on Sunday!
SLR's Hailey
GC SLR's Moxie, mom of the sisters GC SLR's Bailey and SLR's Hailey(above)
SLR's Kaylee
GC SLR's Tritan sire to the three litters out of the does pictured above. These should be some pretty nice little one's based on their parents!