Thursday, March 24, 2011

SLR's Bumble has babies

SLR's Bumble has had her first litter of six kits! She's out of SLR's Buster and GC SLR's Moxie and was bred to SLR's Starburst. Her full sister is also expecting any minute now and has plucked a nice nest of fur so it's just a waiting game!

We're hoping to make it down to Calgary on the first weekend in April and then again for the May 7th show in Chestermere so can get some photos then.

Below are photos of Bumble as a junior.

Here's the sire of the litter SLR's Starburst.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Torted and clean tris

So I'll post a couple photos of some torted and clean animals today to hopefully get a good ccomparison between them. First I'll post some photos of torted tris.

 These guys all have the classic torting going up their sides and on their ears & nose. The nose marking is probably the easiest one to tell if they are torted or not on full grown animals and the side marking are probably the easiest on a few day old animals.

These are all tris that are clean and have a good density of orange color. They have no torting marks on the nose ears or sides and have good clean orange color. I was going to incude torted and clean harlis and tris/harlis tha are too light in the orange color making them a cream but there would be way to many photos for one post so I'll post those one's tomorrow. If there's ny questions on this topic please feel free to e-mail me!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

New babies at SLR

We're happy to announce the arrival of new babies here! Both litters are out of GC SLR's Tritan with one doe being GC SLR's Bailey and then other SLR's Hailey her full sister who was never shown. There looks to be four brokens and one solid between the two sisters but we'll post more info at a later date. SLR's Kaylee's two babies out of GC SLR's Tritan are doing very well and are now weaned from mom and doing some growing up.

We've also bred every doe that is able to be bred or not with a litter right now when I was at home in Feb. So they are due starting on the 21st of March and there should be about 15 litters coming - now that's a few little ones!! Look for photos and info closer to when the mom's are due. Until then enjoy the first day of spring on Sunday!

SLR's Hailey

GC SLR's Moxie, mom of the sisters GC SLR's Bailey and SLR's Hailey(above)

SLR's Kaylee

GC SLR's Tritan sire to the three litters out of the does pictured above. These should be some pretty nice little one's based on their parents!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Robin & Shannon

Well I thought to share one engagement photo of Robin & I on here! The weddings planned for May 28 2011 so is getting to a busy time. I've been mucking around the farm all day today dealing with a horse that has a bad case of colic along with a cow that's feeling under the weather and trying to get some dog training in on the side as well. So it's been a busy day and I'm sure it's just the start as calving season starts for us at Easter.

Since it's planning to be a busy spring we're not planning on showing all that much this year. We missed the Wetaskiwin show for the first time in probably close to ten years and don't have a whole lot of show's planned either. We will be at the Chestermere show however as it's only about 20-30 mins away from our barn in Calgary. Anyways there's a bit of an update from us here and we hope you enjoy the photo! Robin's sister April took all the engagement photos and they are beautiful so hats off to her!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Here's new photos of our youngest ABCA registered border collie Rain taken on March 4 2011. She was born Feb 28 2010 so is just a couple days over a year old here. Her sire is Cody from That'll Do Ranch( and her dam, Tess is owned by Tammy & Keith Klassen. We've really enjoyed this little gal and she is my constant compain around the farm from working cows to playing with the horse to just mucking around. We're planning her first litter for the spring of 2012 so look for cute little pups out of her then! You can also e-mail me at with any inquiries about pups, we may not have any but I can direct you to someone who does!

Here's the new photo's!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Photo's of GC SLR's Tritan

Well what can we say about our squishy face little Tritan, he just keeps getting better and better looking with age! He's from a long line of GC SLR does here and has went on to produce more GC SLR does as well. I've found that the doe line here is a lot stronger than the buck one and has almost always been that way. Here's some new photos taken of Tritan over the family day long weekend, he is truly just a gorgeous guy so enjoy! As far as I know he is the current number 4 Top Lop for 2010!!