For those folks who haven't noticed. . . things REALLY slow down here at SLR over the winter months! We usually don't have anything to sell and don't have more then a few litters born during the winter months. Well we have two litters due near the end of January, two sisters bred to our Thumper and have one little harli guy from the summer available. He'd be best suited as a pet or brood but I'll try to get some new photos of him when we get back to Beaverlodge!
Anyways here's some photos of Thumper and the junior photos of the gals that he's bred too! They should make some good show bunnies for spring!
SLR's Thumper who has 2 junior legs but hasn't been out to show as a SR.
SLR's AnnaPrimRose who just turned SR.
And her full sister.