Monday, February 16, 2015


We returned from the Wetaskiwin show this weekend and had a fantastic time! Hats off to the EARS club for hosting a great show and a big thanks to both the judges for all their helpful comments and kind words. Their were some great rabbits there and it was good to be able to put some faces to the new names. Not that we are biased about Hollands or anything but want to send a big congrats out to Karleigh Friesen who took two BIS and one RIS with a beautiful little doe bred by Kathy Pelton.

We picked up a new tri buck named Campo's Fire N' Ice and he's already been busy at home. We spent today and bred a few does:
SLR's Aiden x SLR's Saffir
SLR's Thumper x SLR's AnnaPrimRose
SLR's Aiden x SLR's Agape
SLR's DJ x Cutie Patootie T'fer Tigger
SLR's Tort x SLR's Kendall
Campo's Fire N' Ice x SLR's Macey
Campo's Fire N' Ice x SLR's Olivia

A big thanks goes out to Stephen for regisitering our little Agape last minute on Sunday!
We'll post some photos of our new kid and some updated photos of Anna when I get a chance, until then Happy Family Day!

Here are some updated photos of the inside of the new bunny barn, we are SO happy with it and are excited to get the bunnies moved in!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Barn

So this project has taken us WAY longer then we ever thought that it would and it's not quite done yet but it's getting really close! All we have left is to put up chain link around it, lay some lino down on the inside, finish the electrical and pull it outside! Here's some photos of what it looks like at the moment.