UPDATE May 14/16
The new babies are;
SLR's DJ x SLR's Jersey - Kindled Feb 16/16 and has one broken orange buck - We are going to keep this guy around for a bit and grow him out. We'll probably breed him a few times in the summer months and then he'll be looking for a home come fall.
Meet SLR's Jesse James:
Reg. SLR's Tort 1 leg x Cutie Patootie T'fer Tigger - Kindled Feb 17/16 and has one blk/org harli buck(Jersey is raising this little one too) We're KEEPING this little one for now to hopefully replace his dad!
Meet SLR's Huckleberry Finn:
GC Reg. Campo's Fire N' Ice x SLR's Lonesome Dove - Kindled Mar 4/16 and has one orange buck, two tort otter does(both of these tort otter does will be FOR SALE) and one blk/org tri doe
SLR's F31 - Fawn doe(this gal could be a tort otter but isn't quite dark enough so we're calling her a fawn). If I was going to keep one out of this litter it would be this gal based on type. She's got a great shoulder minus a little dip, good midsection and nice hind quarter plus a beautiful head/ear piece for a doe. She can be a show or brood doe. * FOR SALE * $80 for brood
SLR's F32 Tort otter doe - This gal is "showier" then her sister and slightly smaller in size(will probably mature around the 3 pound mark) she is a more refined doe with not quite the mass or width. She is still a nice little doe but is an un-showable color. She's got a great head/ear/crown on her with a slight dip in the shoulder and she is pinched in the lower hindquarter. She'll be a brood doe but has the look of a show doe * SOLD * $60 for brood
SLR's F33 orange buck - This little dude is a beautifully colored guy with great clean deep orange. He's got a decent head/ear on him along with decent bone but is lacking the special something to make him a show buck. He'll be a brood or pet buck. * SOLD * $60 for pet with no pedigree
SLR's F30 -Black and orange tri doe with great curvature to her head and a beautifully shaped ear to her. She is lighter on the bone, more refined overall, has a slight dip in the shoulder and a slightly pinched hindquarter. She'll be a brood doe however can be shown as well. * SOLD * $80 for brood
GC Reg. Campo's Fire N' Ice x Reg. SLR's Agape - Kindled Mar 8/16 and has one broken chestnut(Dove is raising this little one) *SOLD*
** The rest of these guys will be posted for sale once they hit the 8-9 week old mark. Until then I will have no idea who will be for sale and who will not be for sale. **
GC Reg. Campo's Fire N' Ice x SLR's Torlee - Kindled April 11/16 and has one broken orange doe(Tigger is raising this little one)
GC Reg. Campo's Fire N' Ice x Reg. SLR's Agape - Kindled April 12/16 and has one chestnut buck(Tigger is raising this little one)
Reg. SLR's Tort 1 leg x Cutie Patootie T'fer Tigger - Kindled April 11/16 and has two black/orange harlequins, 1 buck and 1 doe and is raising one from Agape and one from Torlee.
Photos of the parents can be seen in the blog post below.
These are the bunnies that were bred last week so we should have some more litters in the next few weeks if these gals caught.
SLR's Aiden x Reg. SLR's Fly Girl - Due April 7/16 - Didn't catch, will rebreed
GC Reg. Campo's Fire N' Ice x SLR's Torlee - Due April 7/16 Kindled 5 on April 11/16, 1 broken orange, 1 broken orange peanut, 1 blk/orange tri peanut, 1 blk/orange harli fetal giant and 1 blk/orange harli DOA - Her broken orange has been fostered to Tiggers litter and we'll rebreed this gal.
Reg. SLR's Tort 1 leg x SLR's AnnaPrimRose 2 legs - Due April 7/16 - Kindled April 8/16 one peanut and two torts DOA
GC Reg. Campo's Fire N' Ice x Reg. SLR's Agape - Due April 9/16 - Kindled April 12/16, 1 broken blk otter? peanut, 1 blk otter? peanut and 1 blk otter or chestnut(we'll know once the hair starts to come in). This little one has also been fostered to Tiggers litter
SLR's Aiden x SLR's Saffir - Due April 9/16 - Didn't catch, will rebreed
Reg. SLR's Tort 1 leg x Cutie Patootie T'fer Tigger - Due April 9/16 Kindled April 11/16 3, 2 black orange harlis and one orange peanut. Is fostering one from Torlee and one from Agape.