* SOLD * SLR's Black otter buck, out of SLR's Fergus(Blk/org harli) and SLR's Blake(Black) Born mid January 2019. Looking to be a promising buck for show or breeding but is a laid back guy to make a pet too. If putting this dude into a breeding program please keep in mind that he is out of a harlequin buck so could carry the harlequin gene and the only way to know for sure would be to test breed him. Should mature around the 4 lb mark. $60 for pet or $90 for brood/show
* SOLD * SLR's Black and orange harlequin buck. Sibling to the buck above but this little dude is the tiny one of the bunch. These two were fostered and raised by a different mom and this guy just didn't get as much milk as he should of from the start. Growing and is healthy but he's going to be too little to compete show wise plus he is a harlequin. Should mature around the 3lb mark and needs crown development(his ears are above horizontal right now and I'm not sure if they will fully lop when he is full grown). Is available to a pet home for $60.
* SOLD * SLR's Brynn is looking for a pet home. She's a broken tort doe who is a sweet heart and has one of the best bodies in the barn paired with a decent head but a wonky crown so her ears are above horizontal. We've tried to breed her a few times now and she's just not cut out to be a brood doe so is looking for a great pet home. On the shyer side but is sweet and loves her pets. $30 for pet only. The above photos of her are her junior photos.
* SOLD * SLR's Fergus a black and orange harlequin buck born in Dec 2017(he's just over a year old) out of Registered SLR's Oreo(brk blk) and SLR's Lonesome dove(blk/org harli). Fergus is an ataB-C-D-ej(e?) harli buck that we held back as he has beautiful bright pretty clean orange so were hoping he might be an agouti based harli however he is not. He's available to a pet or breeding home. This is a buck to add color to your program but not type. He has a poor crown so his ears are above vertical, he is a decently short buck but has a lower slightly longer shoulder and could use more overall fullness and width. Decent hindquarter, could use better bone being a senior buck. $40 for a pet or $60 for brood
*No Photos currently available*
* SOLD * SLR's Tort buck born in September 2018 out of Reg. SLR's Oreo(brk blk) and SLR's Torlee(blk/org harli). This guy would be a good addition to someone's program as a breeding buck however he may "carry" the harli gene(he might have a bit of black that actually makes him a torted harlequin instead of a tort, that isn't really visible to the eye) so would do best in a tri/harlequin program. He has a good shoulder, could use more fullness to his midsection and hindquarter, is a fairly short buck, could use better bone, decent head for a younger buck and a poor crown(ears are above vertical). I debated keeping this guy back to use in the tri program however I don't want to keep back a tort buck that is only used in our tri program as we have better tort bucks. $40 for pet or $70 for brood.
We are located close to Grande Prairie Alberta Canada. Transport down from Grande Prairie to Calgary along highway 43 and highway 2 is available in May 2019.
Send me an e-mail at starlitrabbitry @ Hotmail.com (remove spaces) If anyone here interests you.
Please note that we are calving here on the ranch and our response time significantly slows down during this time.