Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Herd Reduction

Update Nov 5/21 - We have three rabbits left here that are still available, a torted harlequin buck F112, a harlequin doe F105 and a torted tri pet doe F184(This gal is located in Calgary currently). These guys are quite likely the last of what we will have available until spring. We still do have too many tort bucks but I'm still waiting on them to do a little growing before deciding who can look for a new barn, it's a good group of bucks! 

 We're cutting back our numbers again to be able to refocus a bit and have a less work since things on the ranch are always busy. There's some great brood animals here that can be shown however I only label animals as show quality if I expect them to consistently place in the top half of the class. There's no disqualifications on any of these guys so they are showable but what I would call brood quality with some great parts to add into a herd. If you need more information then please send me an e-mail at starlitrabbitry @ hotmail.com (remove spaces). We have transport heading south to Red Deer then to Calgary this next weekend. 

We only managed to go through the entire herd today(that's a big job!) and have some photos of just a few of the ones currently available so will add more hopefully tomorrow. 

* SOLD * SLR's F172 Broken Tort buck DOB April 3/21 Good head, good hindquarter, good crown, decent body but is a bigger buck and needs a better shoulder. Nice width. 

* SOLD * SLR's F173 Broken tort doe DOB April 3/21 Doe head, good crown, goody body, need a better shoulder and slightly pinched in the hindquarter. 

* SOLD * SLR's F180 Black/orange tri buck DOB May 25/21 Good head & crown, needs a better shoulder, decent body, slightly pinched in the hindquarter. Is a bigger buck, probably a normal. Great color distribution, is an aaejej tri. 

* SOLD * SLR's F179 Black/orange harli doe DOB May 25/21 Good head, good body, needs a better shoulder, slightly pinched in the hindquarter. Has decided since this photo(taken Sept 12) that her crown is now tight, hopefully those ears lop again as she matures but no guarantees. Is an aaejej harli        

*SOLD* SLR's F184 Torted black/orange tri doe DOB May 26/21 A cute little pet quality doe who is now sporting a better coat from these Sept 12 photos $60 

* SOLD * SLR's F157 Torted black/orange tri doe DOB Jan 25/21 Good head/crown, good hindquarter and body, needs a better shoulder. 

* SOLD * SLR's F189 Tort buck DOB June 19/21 Good head/ear/crown especially for a young buck, Decent body and hindquarter, needs a better shoulder. 

* SOLD * SLR's F190 Broken black doe DOB July 24/21 Good head, decent shoulder and body, slightly pinched hindquarter, longer overall and is probably a normal doe so will be bigger. Good brood doe potential. 

* SOLD * SLR's F192 Tort doe DOB July 26/21 Good head, body, hindquarter and crown. Needs a better shoulder. Out of half tri lines. 

* SOLD * SLR's F193 Tort doe DOB July 26/21 Sister to the doe above, good head, body, hindquarter and crown. Needs a better shoulder. Out of half tri lines.

* SOLD * SLR's F191 Chestnut doe DOB July 26/21 Another sister to the two torts above. Good head/crown, decent shoulder, good body, slightly pinched in the hindquarter, young and currently molting. Out of tri lines but won't carry it. 

* SOLD * SLR's F187 Chestnut doe DOB May 26/21 Good head, crown, body, decent shoulder, slightly pinched in the hindquarter. Currently has a terrible haircut, photo form Sept 12. Out of tri lines but won't carry it.

*SOLD* SLR's F105 Black/orange harlequin doe DOB May 9/19 Good body, good crown, good hindquarter, doe head and needs a better shoulder. Good mom who takes fosters with no issues. Younger photos posted, can send a recent video. Is an Aaeje harli. $80 for brood

*SOLD* SLR's F112 Black/orange harlequin buck DOB Aug 1/19 Good head, good shoulder, good hindquarter, good crown side to side, is slipped. Good type on a harlequin buck and is proven. Is an aaeje harli. $120 for brood 

* SOLD * Registered SLR's Wyatt Earp - 1 leg Torted Black/orange tri buck DOB April 15/17 Good head, good shoulder, good hindquarter, good crown. Needs more bone and more overall mass. Is an ataeje tri.

* SOLD * SLR's F103 Chestnut doe DOB May 9/19 Good head, good crown, good hindquarter, good body, decent shoulder. Wonderful brood doe who takes fosters.