Wednesday, March 22, 2023

For Sale

 We went through a few bunnies here so have posted some of these for sale. They are mostly summer babies from last year that we grew out for the winter and have picked which sibling we want to hold back. I never thought I would say this but we have too many broken senior does so there's a few of those available. We are heading to the Valleyview AB Show on March 25/26 2023 and can transport these guys to the show for no transport fee as we are going anyways. They must be paid for though to be brought. 

Send me an e-mail at starlitrabbitry @ (remove spaces) if you are interested in anyone. 

* SOLD * SLR's Thor, Black tort senior buck DOB June 9 2020 Registered. This guys a pretty decent buck but we have a full brother here that we like better and just too many nice tort senior bucks. Showable 

*SOLD* SLR's F213 Broken black tort senior buck DOB June 15/22. This guy is a young senior and needs to do some maturing. Lighter bone and a bit of a lower shoulder. Moving on as we like his sire better. Showable

*SOLD* SLR's F202, Broken black tort senior doe DOB Jan 11/22. If you're looking for an upright doe with a good shoulder and a proper front end, this is your doe. She carries too much overall length and could use more width to balance. Brood

*SOLD* SLR's F214 Broken black tort senior doe DOB June 15/22 A decent doe that is still young and needs to mature some. Bit of a lower shoulder, lighter bone, nice HEC although crown is a bit slipped. Brood 

* SOLD * SLR's F201 Broken tort senior doe DOB Jan 11/22. 2 junior legs. This girl is a big tank, I haven't weighed her but she's got to be 5 lbs if not a bit more. Obviously a normal doe but has beautiful type. Longer overall, excellent mother and good flesh condition. Available once current litter is weaned in 5 weeks. Brood