Its been a busy summer and fall here on the ranch but we're taking time to give an update. We cut the herd in half in the spring time and that was after a big cut a the previous fall as well. Although we are certainly down on numbers, we are up on quality as we were really hard on what we kept back so only the best stayed. We haven't bred anything this summer or fall and have a few older juniors/younger seniors from earlier this year but we do plan on starting breeding up here in the next month or so. The fall has been so wonderful weather wise and we've been able to keep plugging away on our projects. We also got the herd vaccinated against RHD so feel more comfortable sending or showing animals this next bit. We'll do another quick update once we have the bunnies moved inside the barn for the winter and have some litters in the boxes. Until late winter, we don't expect to have any animals available.
SLR's Sassy a torted black and orange tri color doe.