He had an introduction a little earlier on the blog but we're giving him an official one and a welcome! Thumper is Robins first bunny and went to the EARS show this weekend with the Berry's. A Huge thanks goes out to them for showing him this past weekend! We haven't heard exact results but was told that he placed first in two Junior buck classes for his first two GC legs. This was his one and only JR showing as he will be six months old at the end of October. Believe it or not but this little guy is out of a chestnut buck and a Tri doe so he will be used in the tri program and we're excited to breed him to SLR's Sassy a torted tri doe to see if they produce some clean tris and with his color genetics they should! Anyways here's Thumper.
P.S. The black buck we have currently for sale is his full brother!
What a beautiful boy!!!