We've been gone down south to purchase some new bulls for the farm so have been away from our e-mail for the last few days. If you've sent an e-mail don't worry I have received it but have not had the chance to reply yet - hopefully by the end of the day!
While we were gone we had some does kindle under the watchful eye of my mother-in-law, we had a total of 25 babies born with 16 live ones. That's not too bad considering that 4 out of the 6 does due were first time moms. Here is who had what!
SLR's DJ x Cutie Patootie T'fer Tigger had 5 healthy live kits, there looks to be 2 black/orange tris, 1 black/orange harlequin, and 2 oranges or tort otters.
SLR's Aiden x SLR's Saffir had 5 kits total, all of which were born dead.
SLR's Aiden x SLR's Jersey had 4 kits, 3 black/orange harlequins and 1 pink peanut.
SLR's Thumper x SLR's AnnaPrimRose had 2 kits total, one black/orange harlequin and one black that was born dead. Her one harli has been fostered to Olivias = )
Campo's Fire N Ice x SLR's Macey had 5 total, 2 of which were born dead and she has 1 broken orange, 1 broken black otter and 1 black/orange tri color.
Campo's Fire N Ice x SLR's Olivia had 5 total, 2 of which were born dead and she has 1 broken orange, 1 broken black otter and 1 black otter. She also has Anna's one harli kit.
These guys won't be available for at least 8 weeks and we'll offer the promising one's for show/breeders before they will be available as pets. We also won't know how they are developing until they are older so I'm not sure how many of these little tykes will be available. Keep an eye on the blog for updates on them as they will be posted here when we know who's going and who's staying!
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