Here's some photos of the three little jems that are working on growing up here at SLR. There's a broken tort buck and a broken tort doe out of GC SLR's Tritan and GC SLR's Bailey and an opal doe out of SLR's Aiden and SLR's Athena. At this point we will be holding the broken torts back for awhile to see how they grow up but the little opal doe will be available when she is weaned. She should either go to a pet home or a breeder who is working on blue/fawn tris as she carries both the dilute gene and the tri gene which you wouldn't want to introduce to just any program.
The above two are of the broken tort doe.
This is the little broken tort buck.
Last but not least is the little opal doe, cute eh?
If you are selling them please contact me at 432-880-0623 thank you