Friday, April 13, 2012

Meet SLR's Aiden

Happy Spring! Or winter as it still appears to be out the frosted window here in Calgary! Robin and I have spent the last ten almost eleven days down in the Dominican for a friends wedding so I am just getting caught up on e-mails and such. If you haven't heard back from me yet don't fret as I will get around to answering all of those in the next day or so. We have a 18 hour layover in Calgary which is where this post is being wrote and we should be home in Grande Prairie after another flight later tonight. Being in Calgary means photos so here are some photos of SLR's Aiden a torted black/orange harli buck out of GC SLR's Tritan and Reg SLR's Kaylee, a beautiful tri doe. Aiden had a litter born a couple weeks ago however the mom was not very good to her babies this time around and there is only one surviving opal which was fostered to Bailey and her two. Bailey had four kits but two of which were peanuts so now she's down to a broken tort buck and a broken tort doe, photos will follow later this week of these three cuties!

Back to Aiden, well this guy look's and feels JUST like his daddy Tritan but in a cool color! I think we'll show him a bit and see what comments come out of it! Here's SLR's Aiden.

Such a handsome little guy that I'm really hoping to breed to SLR's Sassy a tri doe to get some tri babies! They may come out torted but the type in both Aiden and Sassy is awesome!

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