Thursday, September 29, 2011

Some New Photos of Sale Animals

Well we usually do our photos in front of a willow bush just outside the shed and it's usualy done in the afternoon so that the sunlight is not an issue. These photos were just done so there's some shadows and the sun is in their eyes so most of them are closed. There's a lot of things to think of when taking photos!

 Black and Orange Torted Harli Doe ON HOLD
Black Tort Doe SOLD
Black and Orange Tri Doe ON HOLD

That's all the photos for today, more will be posted tomorrow or the next day!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Bunnies Available For Sale

We took a trip down to Calgary last weekend and brought up another 10 bunnies to sell. Here's a list of what we brought:

Harlequin SR Doe PENDING
Torted Tri SR Doe
Tort SR Doe SOLD
Black JR Buck
Cream SR Buck SOLD
Broken Tort SR Buck SOLD
Broken Tort SR Buck
Black SR Buck SOLD
Tort SR Buck SOLD
And a little mixed breed Buck who decided to move into our barn!

We also have up here
Tri SR Doe
Chestnut SR Doe
Broken Chestnut SR Doe SOLD
Chestnut SR Doe

Most of these guys are about eight months old. E-mail us for more info on any bunny posted above.

Here's some photos of the available bunnies:

Chestnut SR Doe
Torted Tri SR Doe
Tri SR Doe
Chestut SR Doe
Black JR Buck
 Broken Chestnut SR Doe SOLD
Broken Tort SR Buck 
Mixed SR Buck

More photos will be coming this weekend - stay tuned for those!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Treats that are Okay for rabbits!

We've said goodbye to the little black & orange tri color doe to a wonderful family which has given me an idea to write down some of the treats that we commonly feed.

The main component is a 16 %  or 18 % completely balanced rabbit ration. This is the only thing that a rabbit actually needs to eat to stay healthy. Since the food is a "completely balanced" food that mean that it has all the roughage, salt, minerals and everything else that a bunny needs to live a good life. When pet owners start feeding their bunnies food with the treats mixed in the common occurrence is for the bunny to start eating the "candy" treats in the feed and not the feed itself. This leads to an UNbalanced diet and often a very cubby bunny with lot's of wasted feed. The number one health problem in any pet today is obesity because people tend to think that by feeding their pet more is loving their pet more, this I can assure you is not the case. In a case study in Labs one group was fed to maintain a body condition score(BCS) of 4/9(5/9 is the ideal weight) and another group was fed to maintain a BCS of 6-7/9. The first or leaner group lived an average of 5 years longer than the heavier group with far less health problems. 5 years in a dog is a huge amount of time! Although that case study relates to our canine friend the same philosophy holds true to our rabbits as well.

The common things that we supplement with here are a good timothy hay every second or third day and everyday for the babies and other "treats" that are given maybe once a week or so. Good treats for bunnies are things like slow cooking plain oatmeal, plain cheerio's, dried bread, parsley, carrots, apples, dry pineapple and grass clippings. We tend to stay away from the fruits and any vegetables that are high in water content. These can be a great way to boost your bunnies hydration in the hot months of the year but we find that it's very easy to give them diarrhea with high water content foods so you do have to balance what you give and give it in moderation. Ideally anything you supplement your bunny with should not be over 10-15% of your rabbits totally daily food.

There's just a quick list of what I can think of off the top of my head but if there's any questions then please feel free to send me an e-mail. I have not listed all of the good treats by any means that you can give your bunny but have listed the common one's that we use. With anything that you do give though remember this, give it in moderation! Anyways we are off to get some photos of a cute little broken chestnut JR doe to post for sale! Enjoy the sunshine!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Two JR does for sale and South Peace Centennial Museum Petting Zoo!

We've taken photo's of two little girls that are available to new pet homes. One's a chestnut doe and one is a very beautifully colored tri doe. Photos will be below.

We will have these two does plus a couple more for folks to look at and pet at the South Peace Centennial Museum this Sunday September 11th. Although we will not personally be there if you contact us before hand the bunnies can go to their new homes at the end of the day. Fire us an e-mail or ask the lady there for our phone number!

Here's the little cuties!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

SLR Update

Well we sent in our little bit on GC SLR's Tritan to be published in the Hollander! Syl(Mom) has sent word that she's bred ten bunnies at home in Calgary so there should be some new babies popping up again! We've had a productful spring in the baby department but have sold most of everything!

We are heading down to Calgry this month on the 22nd so will have some photos of some more bunnies down there and may bring up some more to sell. Transportation is available anywhere along the highway between Beaverlodge and Calgary!