Saturday, February 8, 2020

Today feels like spring!

Today does feel like spring but I won't kid myself yet! We've went through some bunnies and bred a few today too. We'll have these three available right now and possibly some more at a later date. Please send me an e-mail at starlitrabbitry @ (remove spaces) for more information and photos. I managed to drop my camera(okay so the kids pushed it off the dryer) and the lens bent so sometimes it focuses but other times not. So I can send some poor quality phone photos at this moment.

SLR's F118 Tort buck DOB Aug 25/19 Brood No DQ's but crown needs to develop, ears are above horizontal right now, could be shown but not what I consider "show". Needs to be more upright and needs to fill out but is a young buck. Nice head coming in if you look past his ears.  $100

SLR's F112 Torted black and orange harlequin DOB Aug 1/19 Show(if the color was showable) $150 - I really don't mind if this dude stays here as he's developing so nicely. Love this buck and he's probably one of the nicest harlequin based bucks we've let go of. He's got wonderful mass and width especially for being such a young SR. He could use more depth and fullness in the loin area and needs more width to his crown to completely lop those ears. Would be an asset type wise to a tri program. Is torted and is a aaB-C-D-eje

* SOLD * SLR's F119 Tort doe DOB Aug 25/19 Brood no DQ's so could be shown but not what I consider "show" $120 Great width, mass and hindquarter on this doe. Does have a shoulder dip, longer in bone/overall then I like and needs more width to make those ears fully lop. Nice head. She would produce some nice kits if bred to a buck with a strong shoulder and a good crown. Is a bigger girl.

GC SLR's Sakari a black and orange tri doe