Saturday, August 10, 2013

The cutest little tort doe

So this little gal is pretty much the cutest little tort doe ever! She is the smallest in the litter but is a very typey bunny and we're excited to watch her grow up and fill out. This girl is most of the rabbitry visitors favorite when they stop at the baby section.

We've also got these girls bred;
Aiden to Sassy
Aiden to Seven
Aiden to Dixie
Buster to Kendall

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

New babies at SLR

We are excited to annouce a new litter born on the 10th of July out of SLR's Aiden and HAR's Promise. There was four bunnies born, two broken oranges one doe and one buck, a black & orange harli doe and a tort doe. They are super cute babies and we managed to get some photos of them last night!

On that note we are officially SOLD OUT meaning that we have nothing currently available! If you are interested please inquire in a month or two and we'll know more about other litters that may be availble then.

Here's one little one and the others will be posted in the days to follow. This gal is a black and orange harlequin and cute as a button! She's the largest doe in the litter but is still pretty cute looking at this stage plus what a little sweetheart to boot!