Sunday, March 22, 2020

New Babies

We've had our first few litters of 2020 and here's the results.

GC Clear Sky's Marley x SLR's F94( 2 legs) has four black torts, two buck and two does that are about a month old now

GC SLR's Sundance Kidd x SLR's F101(harli doe from Wyatt and Annie) has two black torts, one fox and one torted harlequin that are about two weeks old

GC Clear Sky's Marley x SLR's Blake has three blacks and a lightly marked torted harlequin who are almost two weeks old.

GC SLR's Sundance Kidd x SLR's 103(Chestnut doe from Finn and Blake) has a black and two black torts.

The fox and almost all of the blacks will be available since those aren't colors that we work with in our program(we do keep the odd black to test breed our tris too to figure out their genotype).