Sunday, March 25, 2018

The herd

We thought that it would be helpful to post a recent "who's who" in the herd, so here are the current bunnies.

Registered SLR's Wyatt Earp - Black & orange tri color buck who carries otter

Grand Champion Registered Campo's Fire N' Ice - Black & orange tri color buck who carries otter

Registered SLR's Oreo - Broken black buck 

SLR's Huckleberry Finn - Black & orange harlequin buck

*No photo yet*
SLR's Un-named - Black & orange harlequin junior buck 

*No photo yet*
Registered Clear Sky's Marley - Black tort buck 

Grand Champion Registered SLR's Summer Breeze - Black & orange tri color doe

Registered SLR's Fly Girl - Black & orange tri color doe

SLR's Tinker - Black & orange harlequin doe

SLR's Torlee - Black & orange harlequin doe

SLR's Lonesome Dove - Black & orange harlequin doe

SLR's Honeybee - Black & orange harlequin doe

SLR's Un-named - Broken black tort doe

SLR's Un-named - Black doe 

Grand Champion Registered KP's Treasure - Black tort

SLR's AnnaPrimRose - Black tort

That's everyone at the moment! Some of these photos are pretty old, or are junior photos so we need to get them updated(that's a summer project!). We're just waiting on some does to kindle in the next few days here to see what the next generation brings = )

Monday, March 12, 2018

For sale juniors

We’ve went through our litters and made some decisions on who gets to go and who we’ll be holding back as possible replacements. Our herd size is pretty small at the moment as we’ve really been hard on keeping back quality animals that we feel will help advance the breed in type, temperament, health and color. 

Below is a litter listed from Registered SLR’s Wyatt Earp(blk/org tri) x SLR’s Honeybee(blk/org harlequin) DOB Jan 16/18 – This litter will be weaned and ready to go to new homes on Mar 13/18.

* SOLD * SLR’s F63 – Fox buck - $60 for pet or $80 for brood. 

* SOLD * SLR’s F64 – Fox doe - $60 for pet or $80 for brood.  

* SOLD * SLR’s F65 – Blk/org harli buck - $60 for pet This guy just doesn’t compete type wise with the other junior harli buck that we are keeping back at the moment.

* SOLD * SLR’s F66 – Broken fox buck - $60 for pet

* SOLD * SLR’s F67 – Blk tort doe - $60 for pet or $80 for brood

* SOLD * Out of SLR’s Fox(fox) and Registered SLR’s Fly Girl(blk/org tri) DOB Jan 16/18 is SLR’s F62 who I’m suspecting is a broken fox doe. She has too much white on her ears for show or breeding so she’s listed at $60 for pet - This gal was NOT into her photos today so we let her be the relaxed gal that she is. 

* SOLD * Also out of SLR’s Fox(fox) and Registered SLR’s Fly Girl(blk/org tri) DOB Jan 16/18 is SLR’s F61 a black and orange tri doe. This gal has a beautiful shoulder and head on her. $100 for show or $60 for pet

* SOLD * Out of Registered SLR's Oreo and SLR's AnnaPrimRose is SLR's F68 a absolutely beautiful broken tort doe. This girl is round, short and has a head ear crown on her like a buck. I'm a little concerned that she'll mature a bit small for breeding so we're parting with her as a show or pet doe. $120 for show or $60 for pet. 

* SOLD * Out of Registered SLR's Oreo and SLR's AnnaPrimRose is SLR's F69 a broken black buck. This guy should be a good brood and possible show buck but would also make a good pet due to his outgoing personality. He needs some time to develop but is looking like a nice little show buck at this time. A little long in overall body but generally nice type. We're being tough on who we hold back at the moment so this dude is available. $100 for show or $60 for pet. 

We also have a couple new litters here born on Mar 8th/18

SLR’s Huckleberry Finn(blk/org harli) x SLR’s Lonesome dove(blk/org harli), had 2 babies, 1 peanut and 1 blk/org harli with lot’s of blk on the face.

Registered SLR’s Wyatt Earp(blk/org tri) x SLR’s F57(blk) had 6 total with 3 DOA(2 blk/org tris and one blk) and has 1 broken black, 1 broken blk otter And 1 blk/org harli with a mostly orange face. These three have been fostered to Dove as we would like to rebreed this gal and Dove is such a wonderful mama!

We’ll have more litters due at the end of the month and then that’ll probably be all until fall as this spring may be a bit busy so we’ve been busy breeding the girls earlier then we normally would!