Monday, October 29, 2018

Two available bunnies

We're posting a couple bunnies that will be available to head to new homes once they are weaned at 8 weeks old. We are planning to head to the Farm Fair show in Edmonton AB November 9-11th and can bring them down to meet at the show for no additional charge. We'll get some photos of these guys once they get a bit older.

SLR's F - Broken black tort buck, DOB Sept 11/18 out of Registered SLR's Oreo(broken black) and SLR's Torlee(black and orange harlequin). This guy I'm on the fence about selling right now as it may be the last litter from Oreo but I don't really need a broken tort buck for the tri program and he's not quite what I want quality wise. Decent type at this point but could use some more fullness to the loins/hindquarter and overall mass. Will probably mature around the 3 pound mark so will be a small dude. Out of the tri program and could possibly carry tri but I can't guarantee either way. $60 for pet or $70 for brood.

SLR's F - Black tort buck DOB Sept 25/18 out of Registered SLR's Oreo(broken black) and SLR's Honeybee(black and orange harlequin). We're trying to breed out the otter gene some of our tris are carrying so are getting some selfs in our tris by using a black. This little dude is one of them. Quality wise is looking like a pet at this point but will update that if it changes. $60 for pet

If you are interested in either one of these bunnies then please send me an e-mail at starlitrabbitry @ (remove spaces).

This is a photo of our registered border collie stock dog Rain. This is the weekend we picked her up(8 years ago now). She's not only good with the cows but takes good care of the bunnies too!